Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Letter #18 my strength, song, and salvation

happy glorious tuesday afternoon!!! :)

so yes, my p-day was tusday today, becuase transfers were this morning!!! and guess what!? hermana cipriano got transfered!!! ahhh... and honestly it was a bitter-sweet change. cuz with the change comes ALOT of responisblity from me cuz my new comp doesn´t know the area!!! ahhh... kinda freaking out. but my new comp is soo OSUM!!! seriously. shes 6 foot like me!!! and she´s from cali.. her name is hermana mowry. and its so funny, cuz remember i told you we had that ¨reunion of hermanas¨ a couple weeks back where ALL teh hermanas got together for a devtional type thing. well i honestly remember seeing her and thinking, ¨dang. i bet shes an awesome missionary. i wanna be like her!!¨ and here i am, her companion!!! ahhh!! seriously so stoked!!! i just have such a great feeling about this transfer.... and i´m so excited to learn from hermana mowry. cuz honestly, we have SO much in common!!! its crazy!!! she graduated from BYU-I in edication too!! and she scuba dives.... and honestly the list goes on... anywho. i´m just so grateful to my father in heaven for blessing me with this opportunity to learn from such an amazingly strong missionary!!! :)
my last foto with hermana cipriano in the taxi on the way to transfers

so yeah, this week was awesome!!! cuz,,,, guess what!? this missionary finished her 12 weeks of training!!! :) whoop whoop!!!! :)
also... unfortuantely summer is officially over here, so all the kids are back in school as of yesterday. kinda crazy huh!? anyways, so we had quite a few cancellations this week for ¨back-to-school preparations¨ but that didnt stop us from trying!!! :) this week we focused on our less-active members though and we actually had two come to church!!! which was SUPER exciting!! cuz norma hadn´t been to church in 12 years!!! crazy huh!? ahhhh. i seriously love norma so much. she has polio, so she walks with crutches cuz her one leg doesnt have much function. but yeah. she had been looking for a job and we testified to her that if she prayed with faith, heavenly father would help her find a job. :) and what do you know... SHE FOUND A JOB!!!! ahhh. i was so happy for her. and honestly, its just proof that heavenly loves ALL of his children, and never forgets about us... even if we forget about him... for 12 years.... ha ha.
oh!! we also had the opportunity to be ¨tour guides¨ in a chapel open house in a chapel way far away. ha ha. it was cool to see a different part of argentina, but i could also see why they dont have sisters in this area... ha ha. kinda sketchy with lots of people. anyway, this whole day was probably the longest day of life... literally. cuz the travel to the chapel was on a smelly crowded bus, standing slash surfing the bumps in the road side by side like sardines in a can, seriously, the longest bus ride of my life. ha ha. then we got lost, ended up walking 30 blocks (no joke... literally 30. ha ha.) in the hot sun. and ended up at the wrong chapel.... oh boy. so by the time we finally got to the chapel i was exhausted to say the least. but WOW. what a special experience this was. in the chapel they had the cristo set up in teh front. and then we would ask the group to turn off their cell phones as we listen to teh words of christ. then we would play a short audio of christs words (much like the audio in temple square) and seriously, i listened to this audio about 13 times and wow. every. single. time. the spirit was SO strong!!! then i got the opportunity to testify about christ right after, and seriously, i was so grateful for this opportunity. and normally you would think bearing testimony 13 times about jesus christ would get redundant... but seriously. no. everytime i swear the spirit got stronger and stronger. and a couple times i even got choked up!! wow. i dunno. this whole week has just been a testimony to me of my love for my savior and the reason why i am out here in this forgein country!!! ahhh!!! how incredibly grateful i am for this gospel in my life. for this knowledge to know that i have a heavenly father that listens and answers my prayers. to know that my heavenly father send his only begotten son, my brother, jesus christ, who suffered and died for ME, for my sins, my pains, my trails, my heartaches, my everything!!! ahhh!!!
gotta rep the legend baby!!! ha ha.
okay, so this week when reading my scriptures i came acrossed my new favorite scripture which just radiates this week in a nut shell, 2 nephi 22: 2...

2 Behold, God is my salvation; I will atrust, and not be afraid; for the Lord bJehovah is my cstrength and my dsong; he also has become my salvation.

seriously... this scripture has been motto this week. we need to trust in our god and have no fear!!! for he sent his son, our redeemer, who is our stength, our song, and our salvation!!! ahhh!!! i love this gospel. and i love being a missionary. and i´m just so grateful for this opportunity i have to be his servant here in argentina, for a short 18 months, for my lord, the great jehovah, really truly has become my strength, my song, and ultimately my salvation!!! :) ahhh!!!! so much love and grattitude in my heart today!!! :)
ahhhh!!!! thanks for all your love, support and prayers!!! they really, truely have been felt!!! :) hope all is well at home, albania, and hawaii!!! send everyone my love!!! love and miss you all!!! thanks for being the best most amazing family in this entire world!!! :)
love your missionary in argentina,

hermana forte

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