Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Letter #33 all you need is faith..

hermana taylor & hermana forte... draper girls in argyland. 
nbd. p.s. real talk. love her. ha ha. we always update eachother
 on news from home and weddings we have heard of... ha ha. 
draper gossip in argentina. gotta love it!!! :)
another week has come and gone and my beautiful sister in albania is on her way home... trips me out!!! where has the time gone!? feels like yesterday i was in hawaii finishing up my student teaching and we facetimed the opening up of her call to the ¨adriatic south mission¨... and there was a silence cuz no one had any idea where the crap that was!!! ha ha. so classic!!! oh boy!!! but yes. now here she is a sister training leader totally rocking the mission of albania!!! dang... such a proud older sister i am!!!! please give her the biggest warmest welcome home that has ever exsisted people!!!! she definitely deserves it!!!!! :)
also... glad to hear your trekking adventure was a total and complete success!!!! dang... i really have stud´s for family members!!! blows my mind how i got so freakin lucky!!!! ahhhh!!!! definitely feeling so incredibly blessed!!!! I LOVE YOU FAMILIA!!!! :)
but yes. this week here in the great floresta, BsAs, has been another great one!!! we had a reunion of hermanas this week and i got to see all my bestie hermanas here in argentina and receive amazing words of wisdom from our incredible mission president and his wife!!! that was OSUM!!! then this sunday my ward had ward conference and my comp and i got to sing in the choir... that was OSUM too!!! :) i was one of three sopranos... thank goodness the melody of the hymn was the same as it is in english!!! ha ha ha.
hermana escalante & hermana forte 
& some cool totem pole in retiro... i was lovin it!!! 
it was so rad!!! i love argentina!!!! :)
but yes. at the beginning of the week i actually had an amazing experience that has really made an impact of me and my testimony that i have reflected on throughout the week... (disclaimer: mom, before you read this, know that as i am sitting here in the ciber typing this i am almost 100% better... i only have a minor cough every once and a while... so no worries. ha ha.)
anyways, so i mentioned last week i got hit with bronchitis. yeah. no bueno. but the recovery has been up and down as the weather here has been up and down as well. ha ha. anywho... so one night as i was trying to go to sleep i could not stop coughing. and it was horrible because i was so congested i couldn´t breath through my nose. so, obviously, i was breathing through my mouth, which would dry out my throut and cause my lungs to get agitated and i would cough... blah. well i had run out of the coughing pills that i bought from the farmacity. and the decongention pills have caffeine. so as i lay there trying to sleep i begin to
have a coughing attack. like bad. i couldn´t even get a breath in between my coughs. i was coughing so hard becuase i was trying to breath it resulted in affecting my gag reflexes. so as i jumped out of my top bunk and ran to the bathroom i began to vomit. blah... i apologize for the graphic details. but this literally was the worst moment of my entire life. i felt hopeless. i didn´t know what to do. i didn´t have the proper medicine to help myself. i didn´t a mom to wake up for advice. i didn´t have a dad to give me a fathers blessing. blah. and i´m not an elder so i couldn´t wake up my comp to give me a blessing either!! blah. it was horrible. i felt hopeless. i felt alone. i really didn´t know what to do. all i knew is that i needed sleep. and that i needed to stop coughing to be able to sleep peacefully. so i hopped back into my top bunk and rolled up into a kneeling ball and prayed... the most helpless prayer of faith i have ever said. i pleaded with our father in heaven to bless my lungs to calm down so that i could sleep peacefully and continue to heal. i explained how i know i´m not an elder with the preisthood, but i know i have the same calling and authority as a missionary. they always say faith can move mountains, so i knew in this moment that my faith in our loving heavenly father could help me sleep. and what do you know... as i closed that prayer in the name of our savior, i coughed three more times, rolled over and don´t remember anything until my alarm went off the next morning at 6:30....

hermana mowry & hermana forte reunited again...
 woohoo!! she leaves next transfer... so trippy!!!
 gonna miss my soul sistah out here in the field with me!!! :)
my dearest family and friends... i´m so grateful for the horrible experience that i was able to have... ha ha. as weird as that may sound. because i know my prayer was heard and answered. i know my little faith that i have was enough to calm my lungs and help me get the sleep i needed. i know our heavenly father loves each and everyone of his children. and i know he listens to every single one of our prayers... all you need is faith. faith is all you need. :)
i love you my dearest lovelies.
hope you have a fantabulous week filled with love and laughter!!! :)
i love you. i love you. i love you.
love always and forever,

hermana jordan ashley forte

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