Wednesday, May 13, 2015

#76 why am i here!?

Apr 27, 2015
dang... dang... && more daaaang!!!! i literally have no words this lovely monday afternoon... i just have so many feelings of emotions i dont even know where or how to begin... first of all im just so incredibly grateful for this amazing life my heavenly father has given me && the amazingly wonderful opportunity i have been given this past year and a half to have the name of my lord && savior next to mine on my plaque over my heart!!! but more than just the plaque && calling i have been given... the experiences i have had && the people i have met that have really changed my life forever!!!! :) #bahhhh #feelingsoincrediblyblessed
this week in our zone conference with president, each one of us missionaries were asked WHY WE ARE HERE in the mission... && wow. the spirit was seriously so intensely incredible!!! there wasnt a single dry in the room im pretty sure... but wow. it was just another confirmation to me fam, that THIS is the work of the lord && we have been called to HIS work!!! :) he really has called such a strong army!!! it really boggles my mind really... but wow. it really got me thinking... why am i here!? && when it all comes down to it fam... the reason that i have put my life on hold for a year and a half... the reason i have fought through the struggles to learn this language... the reason i have kept a smile on my face when i get doors slammed or people laughing in my face... the reason that i have work, work, worked in the blistering sun or the soaking muddy argentine rain... the reason i have served this past year with all my heart, mind && strength is because... I LOVE MY SAVIOR. nada mas. :)
i think it says it better than i ever could in 3 Nephi 5:13...
¨Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.¨

ward activities are fun... #lovethesegirls #lovemylifesomuch
wow... honestly fam, im heart broken to see my time as a servent of the lord come to an end... but... i know that the lord has great things in store for me && i cant wait to put everything i have learned in my mission to the test!!! :)
but yeah... anywho... no more trunky talk. honestly... i still have another looooong week ahead of me filled with miracles!!! ahhhh!!! im so excited!!! #itsthefinalcountdown #bringonthemtouchdownsbaby ahhhhh!!!!! im seriously gonna leave it all out on the court fam... perdon if i look like a wreck when i get off that plane... ha!!!!
ahhhh... i just love you all so dang much familia && amigos!!!! thank you.. thank you.. thank you for ALL your love, support, && prayers this past year && a half!!! it really has meant the world!!! ahhhh!!! you guys are so amazing!!!! gracias gracias muchisimas gracias por todo!!!!! :)
les amo aful!!! (I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!!)
have the bestest week ever && ever!!!!!
y..... NOS VEMOS!!!!! :) :) :)
chau chau.
-hermana jordan ashley forte
p.s. fotos: 
thursdajuss waiting for the elders to finish the baptism interview
 with my dearest alessandro with our darling melanie!!!
#ahhhhlovehersomuch #selftimerstatus #dude
#herhouseislikeatreehouse #loveit #loveher #lovethem 
so... my last pday we woke up extra earlier && watched
 the sunrise... which was cloudy. bummer. but wow.
the puente de mujer (bridge of the woman) was stunning with
the lights && the water!!! #bestpdayever
#lovemylife #lovemymission

THE COOLEST BRIDGE IN THE WORLD!!!!! #missionpride #sorryboutit :)

Letter #75 the great perspective..

April 20, 2015
hola hola hola!!! y... alooooooooooha!!!! :)
oh boy, oh boy... first of all i need to send a shout out && apologie to my beloved shaunie && cam... i honestly have no idea what happened to the time, like what!? its april!? yeah... my comp asked what the date was... and when i replied ¨14 de abril¨... i freaked out!!! i honestly still thought we were in march... #soawkward #dyingmissionaryproblems #pleaseforgiveme
i hope it was the most wonderful birthday ever && ever!!!! && just know were gonna party like its 1999 in a little less than 3 weeks... bahhhh!!!!! #cantbereal #totallyfreakingout #needmyinhaler #puffpuff #breathinbreathout
anywho... faaaa. familia. this week was seriously yet another incredible week here in la boca!!!! bahhhhh!!!! i just love being a missionary so much!!!! :) #betchadidntalreadyknowthat #bahhhhh #only3moreweeks
by the way tho... its definitely starting to get cold here... && no me gusta. im getting the best of both worlds going home right when its starting to get chilly down south... ha!!! #hannahmontanastyle #argentinesloveher
but yeah... the other day we had lunch with a member that recently lost her 8 year old daughter to cancer.... && wow... seriously this lunch with this incredible woman has really shook me deep.... like wow. this woman truely is incredible!!! as her daughter was going through therapy, this amazing woman willingly gave her daughter one of her kidneys in hopes to help her live... but her fragile recently baptized eight year old body rejected the kidney && she died a few weeks later!!! but wow... all the little stories she was telling us was such a great evidence to me that the veil is really so thin!!! && this little angel was honestly sent to this family from heaven!!!! she wasnt afraid to die && infact was more preocupied in preparing her family for the temporal seperation leaving notes and little pictures around the house of jesus && how shes excited to see him again... wow. blew. my. mind. but also the faith of this dear sweet young mother as she keeps THE GREAT PERSPECTIVE && explains to us that her daughter learned all she needed to in this life && was prepared to return with her heavenly father && savior... && how she knows she still has some personal preparation to do before she can join her daughter on the other side.... faaaaa!!!! #mindblown
then i was reading in alma 34:32...
32For behold, this life is the time for men to prepare to meet God; yea, behold the day of this life is the day for men to perform their labors . 
&& wow. it really hit home hard... we need to keep the great perspective fam... we have to continue our preparation!!! for we never know when the day will come that our father is gonna call us back home... never ever!!! but when he does, we know its just a temporary seperation... we know we will all be together once again!!! that is the great perspective... we know why we are here: to learn.. to grow.. & to prepare!!! i feel like ive gotten a little piece of that while being here out on the mission... obviously its nothing like death or losing a loved one... but i´ve been able to see how the great perspective can really help us get through the hard times... && how our faith and trust in our lord && savior can literally carry us!!!! :)
ahhhh... i just love you all so very much familia && im so excited to see your beautiful faces in less than 3 weeks!!!! bahhhh!!!! #notbeingtrunky #juststayingpostive #lovemypreciousargentina #lovemymission #lovemyamazingfamilia
anywho... anywho... anywho... have the bestest week ever!!!!
les amo un monton!!!!!
chau chau.
-hermana jordan ashley forte

p.s. fotos...
my cute amaizngly incredible hermanas... #lovebeingasistertrainingleader
lovelearningfromthesebeautiesindivisions #psfreakingshadowsruinedthefoto
yeah.. dont worry.. just meditating with the ducks... #itsnormal
yoga in the park.. #itsmuhthaang #heisgreaterthani #lovemylife

Letter #74 feeling so dang spoiled..

April 6, 2015
oh wow... so much to say... so little time...
so, remember that one time i did divisiones with my
precious congreso && an old investigtor of mine,
that didnt have real real interest 6 months ago,
read the whole book of mormon!? yeah. #totalmiracle
#somuchhappiness #hetotallyaceptedbaptismaldate oh yeah!!!
&& this is his pet pigeon named oliver. ha ha ha.
real talk... i am just feeling SO overwhelmed with blesisngs... how was conference!? it was absolutely wonderful no!? ahhh!!! i seriously loved every single minute!!!! :)
also.... dom... CONGRATS ON EL TEMPLO EN SU MISION!!!! i definitely freaked out a little bit when they announced it and all the english speaking missioanry that were in the room with me were laughing at me... #ohwell #overit #imjustsuperhappyandproudofmybabysis #buildingthekingdom
anywho... also... on the terms of feeling so overwhlemed with blesisngs... my old area of congreso all came to the stake center (my chapel of la boca) to watch conference... so i definitely got to see all my old congreso lovelies and a few of my converts!!!! #soblessed #ijustlovebeingamissionary
also... got to watch conference in english!!! && oh boy have i missed the voices of our sweeet and dear apostles and prophet!!!! #iloveaccents
also... in between the sunday sessions our adoreable melanie got baptized... oh my goodness!!! it was so wonderfully perfect!!!!  #ijustlovebeingamissioanrysodangmuch #bahhhh #feelingsodangspoiled
do you catch my drift of feeling so dang spoiled!? cuz i really am!!!! not trying to brag... im just so incredbly grateful to my father in heaven for this amazing experience i have to be his servant and instrument in his hands!!!! :) my mission really is the best decision i have ever made in my life!!!! :)
my cute melanie in white!!!! #lovehersomuch #baptismselfie
 #conferencebaptism #whatupwhatupwhatup #lovelife #lovemelanie
anywho... also... oh!!! miracle of the week that ive been dying to share ever since it happened... so melanie && her family are seriously just so prepared by the hands of the lord... && let me tell you why... so melanie has a little brother that is 13 and always just stuck around and listened to our lessons with melanie!! well yeah... one day melanie wasnt gonna be home but we felt strongly to still go and visit her brother!!!! && yeah... we started teaching the restoration and joseph smith and the first vision and everything no!? and yeah. as im holding up the foto of the joseph smith and the first vision, i asked him, ¨alezandro, have you ever had a question that you felt very strongly to know  the answer!?¨ and this was his answer... ¨yes!!!! just last night i was wondering, how was god!? so i prayed and asked and then went to sleep. but then i had a dream that i went into a forest and saw two angels just like this foto!!!¨ and he points to the pamphlet i had in my hands... wow. wow. wow. family. i totally just started bawling!!!! #totallymymomsdaughter ha ha ha. but seriously... the spriit was so strong it was incredible!!! then justo after the baptism of his sister he tells me he wants to get baptised like his sister... woohoo!!! #itotallybelieveinmiracles #doesntmatterwhatage #heavenlyfatherlovesallhischildren #wow #wow #wow im seriously still in shock...anywho... i just love life so dang much!!!! and i know this is the work of the lord!!! without a doubt!!!! and just like almost ALL the conference talks talked about yesterday... the family is the one of the greatest joys we can have on this earth... and i have been away from my dear family for a year and a half to help other incredible families get the amazing blessing of this gospel in their lives!!! melanie has found the light and now is helping her family get one one step closer to this amaizng blesisng!!!! #hermommasstillgottagetmarried #somanymiracleslieahead
ahhhh!!!! i just love this work and being apart of this amazing army!!!! the church is true people!!!! you can feel it in everything that we do!!! we have a living prophet that leads and guides us!!!! && how blessed we are to hear of his love and counsel every 6 months!!!!! :) :) :)
welps... i just love you all so dang much!!! never ever forget that!!!!
hope this word vomit of rambled thought processes was understandable!!! ha ha. i just love you all so much!!!!!! have the best week ever!!!!
chau chau.
-hermana jordan ashley forte
p.s. fotos...
our cute trio && melanie... she really was glowing!!!
but she was so nervous!!! cutie!!! love her so much!!! :) :) :)
so villa gangstas!!!! ja ja ja. #argentinegangsigns #gottalovebaptisms

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Letter #73 gracias a que el vive..

March 30, 2015
oh man... i just love you so much!!! just so you all know!!!! :)
this week was yet another AMAZING week in argentina... but especially here in my new area LA BOCA!!!! :) wow... seriously im in the raddest area ever familia!!! last night there was a boca futbol game.... and when they scored the whole town echoed in cheers... from the actual stadium itself and from people watching the game in their homes... #sorad #lovemylife but yeah. real talk familia... i have no doubt this is where im suppose to be in this moment!!!! :) obvio, it was hard to leave my precious baradero familia and my precious beatriz and miss her baptism this week... but this is the work of the lord, and i have no doubt that HE needs me here in la boca in this moment!!! :)
we found an elegido familia... her name is melany... and shes SO PREPARED!!!! a few years back she stopped believeing in god because a close family member died and she was angry. but then... she recently like two months ago got into a near-death car accident as the car of her whole family almost fell off a cliff. and in the moment of desperation she said a prayer pleading for the life of her and her family and almost immediatly the car nuetralized and they were back on flat ground in safety. she told us that in that moment she knew that there was a god and that he was aware of her and her family!!! wow. family. its NO COINCEDENCE that just two months after this experience her recently baptized friend was accompanying us and told us we could go visit her friend from school... #coincidencesdontexsistinmissionarywork #thisistheworkofthelord #ilovebeingamissionarysodangmuch
but yeah... also... 

(happy easter!!!!)
we have the most beautiful ¨gracias a que el vive¨ (thanks that he lives) cards that we are passing out AFUL to everyone we talk to and were inviting them all to go and see the video.... (if you havent see it yet. go watch it!!!! its increidble!!!!! #thechurchisSOtrue) but yeah... real talk. this video gives me the chills every. single. time. HE is with us. HE lives. its as simple as that!!! i´ve really been able to see the reality of this in my mission though... bahhhh!!! i know that my redeemer lives familia!!!! he is walking side by side with us!!! HE lives!!!! HE lives who once was dead!!!! HE lives!!!! HE lives my prophet, priest, && king!!!!! okay okay... im sorry... totally quoting one of my favorite hymns.... ha!!! but seriouly familia... its real. its truth. its reality. HE LIVES!!!! nada mas. let us remember him this easter season. && let us discover him in our lives!!! ahhhh!!!! i just love you all so dang much!!!! keep being so amazingly incredible!!!! i love you. i love you. i love you!!!!!
chau chau.
-hermana jordan ashley forte
p.s. these ghetto computers wont read my memory card... entonces... so sorry. i dont have fotos this week... but... just imagine your favorite argentine missionary sharing the gospel in one of the coolest futbol obsessed-technicolored homes-tango dancing areas of the world... BAHHH!!!!! I LOVE ARGENTINA!!!! && I LOVE YOU... SO MUCH!!!!! :)

Letter #72 back to the city... as a sister training leader... with a new baby!!! :)

March 25, 2015

hey pope fransisco, i have something for you
that you need to read!!! ha!!!

bahhh.... this has been the craziest beyond happiest beyond best week of my life!!! seriously... god is so gracious &&& loving!!! :)
but yeah... so long story short... mi hija, hermana doughty is SO amazing and has been called to train a new baby missionary... aka:IM A GRANDMA!!!! :) ha ha. so nuts though. the next day after we finished her training she had to train someone new... ha!!! #proudmomstatus ha ha ha. but... that means i had to leave my precious campo of baradero.... but its so good and amazing... cuz.... im in LA BOCA!!!!! yes. as in the stadium of MY argentine futbol team is in my area and EVERYONE is boca fanatics!!!! woohoo!!!! so stoked!!!! also i´m with one of my other besties in the mission... hermana espinosa from mexico!!!! bahhhh!!!! im just so stoked && excited about life right now!!!! :) but yeah... i´ve also been called as a sister training leader!!!! #freakedout #sohonored #dontevenknowhowtobeamissionary ha ha ha. but yeah. also, also, also... me and espinosa are mommy´s!!!! we have a hija!!!hermana haight!!! (yes, as in elder b. haight. hes her great great grandfather... dude. im like totally training an apostles granddaughter... and real talk. shes SO incredible!!!! #feelingsoblessed #feelingsohumbled #dontevenknowhowtobeamissionary #ha) but yeah... real talk family... this next transfer is going to be a transfer of miracles!!! && im seriously so incredibly excited about it!!! this is the work of the lord. theres no if´s and´s, or but´s about it!!!!
also... this week in my personal study i found my new moto of my last transfer of my mission... isaiah 40:3...
¨if you wait upon the lord, you will mount up with wings as eagles, you shall run and not be weary, and you shall walk and not faint!!!¨
trio madness in caminto.. ha ha ha. #ilovemylife
 #haight.espinosa.forte #triosforlyfe

when i read this scripture the first thing i thought was, ¨dang. dad needs to write a song about this!!!¨ ha ha ha. but my second thought was wow. i want to wait upon the lord with everything i got!!! HE is the way of happiness!!! HE is the way of success!!! HE is my strength!!!! HE is my song!!!! HE is my everything!!!! bahhh... i want to fly with the eagles!!! i want to look back on my mission && know i did everything i could to find his chosen and elect!!! i want to feel him lift me up beyond heights i could have reached on my own!!!! :) bahhhh.... im just so incredibly grateful for this incredible opportunity i have to literally ¨wait on the lord¨ with all my heart, mind, and strength!!! bahhhh!!!! i love my mission!!!! i love this gospel!!!! but mas importante... i love my heavenly father... who sent my lord && savior to suffer && die... for me!!!! && for you!!!! :) && i love having this opportunity to share this knowledge with others!!!! the church of christ has been restored people.... we gotta share it with the world!!!!! :)
bahhhh... i love you so much familia!!!!
have the bestest beyond bestest week ever and ever!!!! :) :) :)
chau chau.
-hermana jordan ashley forte
p.s. i dont have my camera cuz we didn´t know we were gonna have time to write today... but ill send pics next week of all my loves in baradero... #worstgoodbyesever #iwasseriouslysuchaballingbaby #definitelymymothersdaughter #haha #lovemybaradero #goodbyessuck
preaching the word from all corners of the world
to all corners of the world... #ilovebeingamissionarysomuch
#hermanasrock #nadamas